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A member registered Mar 10, 2019

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(1 edit)

Spellcrafting is always fun but I don't fully understand it in this case.

It doesn't feel very rewarding to experiment with spells.

I can't see my damage, nor enemy health, and only way to make any estimates is to use spells on enemies.

Because it's very easy to die, and dying means restarting, it would be too risky to experiment later on.

So the only reasonable way to play, to me at least, is to experiment in the very beginning and then sticking to what works.

Also most combinations seem to be aoe and knockback, aoe seems near worthless because  2 half health enemies are always more dangerous than 1 full health enemy and most knockback spells are too random/weak to actually get any distance in.

So I ended up playing with only preloaded triple lightnings, as they oneshots any enemy except skull head snakes, from a good distance. Other spells seem pretty pointless in comparison, and if there is use for them in lategame, I wouldn't know it because experimenting = risking having to replay the previous levels.

I like the art, especially the pc and the map.